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    * Take a breather. As simple as it sounds, take a few seconds to breathe. You can also try repeating a calming phrase (either out loud or in your mind). Sometimes a few seconds is all it takes to get a better rein on your emotions. You don’t have to swallow emotions away—just keep them in check so you’re controlling them and they aren’t controlling you.

    * ITCH. When you want to scream and yell, instead ITCH. Can you just Ignore the situation at hand? If not, then Take control, Calm yourself, and Handle the situation properly.

    * Change the scenery. If possible, remove yourself from the situation at hand, even if it’s only for a few minutes. If you’re in a stressful meeting at work that’s causing you to feel angry or anxious, excuse yourself to use the restroom. Then use those few minutes to regain control. If you’re having an argument with your spouse, tell him or her you need a minute and step outside for some fresh air. A little change of scenery can help you gain some perspective and recharge you so you can handle the situation calmly.