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金酸莓奖揭晓 《最后的气宗》揽5奖


  Action flick "The Last Airbender" and comedy "Sex and the City 2" earned the wrathof Razzie voters on Saturday in the annual Oscarspoof that spotlights Hollywood's worst performances.


  "Valentine's Day" stars Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Alba won Golden Raspberry Awards for worst actor and supporting actress. Kutcher was also pilloriedfor his work in another film, "Killers," and Alba for "Little Fockers," "The Killer Inside Me" and "Machete."

  《情人节》影星艾什顿 库彻和杰西卡 阿尔芭分别捧走最差男主角和最差女配角。库彻还因在《杀手们》一片中的糟糕表现而遭到嘲讽。阿尔芭在《拜见岳父大人3:小福克》、《内心的杀手》、《弯刀》中的表演也很糟糕。

  The year's loudest Razzie went to director M. Night Shyamalan's "The Last Airbender." It "won" five Razzies to eclipse all other 2010 movies.

  本年度金酸莓奖的最大“赢家”是由M 奈特 沙马兰执导的《最后的气宗》,独揽五项金酸莓大奖,使2010年其它所有影片都相形见绌。

  Organizers of the "awards" noted the film was based on an animated television show, and some young viewers of the cartoon were unhappy with the movie adaptation.


  "When this film opened, for once critics and fans were in agreement: This movie sucks," John Wilson, founder of the Razzies, said at a presentation of Golden Raspberries.

  金酸莓奖创始人约翰 威尔逊在颁奖仪式上说:“这部电影上映时,影评人和影迷首次达成了一致:真是一部烂片。”

  The film made nearly $320 million at global box offices, but received only a 6 percent favorable rating at review aggregating website RottenTomatoes.com.
