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金酸莓奖揭晓 《最后的气宗》揽5奖

  Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis, the four stars of "Sex and the City 2," were collectively named worst actress at the Razzies. In the film, the four women bring their Western lives to Abu Dhabi in the Middle East.

  出演《欲望都市2》的四位女星:莎拉 杰西卡 帕克、金 凯特拉尔、辛西娅 尼克松、克里斯汀 戴维斯一同被评为最差女主角。在影片中,4位女星将西式生活方式带到了中东阿布扎比。

  Unlike last year, when Sandra Bullock showed up to take the Golden Raspberry for her performance in "All About Steve," no stars claimed their prizes on Saturday at the Razzies, now in their 31st year.

  去年,桑德拉 布洛克因出演《关于史蒂夫的一切》获评金酸莓奖,她曾亲临现场领奖。而今年无一人现身领奖。金酸莓奖已举办了31届。

  Razzie performers opened the show with a video segment showing a number of real Hollywood stars declining to host the event. Comedian Paula Poundstone begged offby saying she had "a lot going on," as she sat in a rocking chair.

  颁奖典礼以一段视频片段开场。在视频中,多位好莱坞明星拒绝主持颁奖典礼。喜剧演员保拉 庞德斯通坐在摇椅上婉拒邀请,称自己“最近很忙”。

  The Razzies also had fun with this year's Oscar-nominated films. In a send-upof best picture Oscar nominee "The King's Speech," a Razzie presenter wearing a crown feigneda stammer as he read names of the worst screenplays.


  The Razzie "winners" were determined by ballots from 657 voters in the United States and 17 other countries.
