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2011-03-07来源:21st century

Many white-collar professionals are burning out in big cities and moving back home to second-tier cities where the grass is greener and the prospects seem brighter.

Cheng Ding is keen to end his "seven-year itch" against the city of Beijing once and for all - by retreating back home to Sichuan Province.

Following a failed investment that led to the closure of his own company in Zhongguancun, known as "China`s Silicon Valley," the 32-year-old mobile phone games producer had to relinquish his dream of building a game empire based in the Chinese capital city.

For Cheng, the incentive to return home, nearly 2,000 kilometers southeast to Beijing, is more than just financial.

"Career setbacks are one thing. More important, I`m longing for another kind of life - one with no rush, no rent, no pressure," he says. "Beijing is no longer the home of my dreams."

While millions from rural peripheries continue to flood booming metropolises in hopes of better education, better jobs and better lives, a rising group of burnt-out white collars is retreating to the smaller cities in search of a relaxed life style.

Most are out-of-town degree-holders around 30 years old, with year-long working experience in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.