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大学生求职忙 衍生"合同换客"


导读:对于刚刚毕业,正忙于求职的大学生来说,就业协议(employment agreement)可谓是一颗定心丸。而现在就业热潮也催生了一种新现象,就业协议被摆上货架进行交易。

Employment agreements, those indispensable and allegedly nontransferable contracts that serve as an early link between students and their future employers, have, in a new phenomenon, become goods that can be sold and purchased on the Internet.

If a student finds a better job and does not want to work for the company he has already signed an agreement with, he or she must pay several thousand yuan to the former company as compensation to terminate the agreement, after which he or she can obtain a new employment agreement from the university to sign with another company.

Unfortunately, not all students are rich enough to afford the several thousand yuan, so some of them have come up with the idea to buy "fresh," or unsigned employment agreements from other students, who might start their own business or progress on to graduate school and don`t need the agreements any more. Then, they can use the newly bought agreement to sign a new contract with another company and leave the former one behind.