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大学生求职忙 衍生"合同换客"

Anxious buyers, cool seller.

"I would rather spend several hundred yuan to buy a new employment agreement rather than pay several thousand yuan to the company to terminate it. After all, I am just a graduating student, how can I afford all that money?" said a senior in Nanjing University.

Comparatively speaking, the sellers are not as anxious as the buyers. Most of them want to time the market correctly to fetch the best price for their agreements.

"Job hunting is not so hard for graduating students this year, so many students try to buy new agreements to sign with better companies. I believe the price of the employment agreement I am selling could rise from 500 yuan to more than 1,000 yuan," an anonymous seller said.

Trouble for everyone

Many universities, however, are acutely worried about the effects that this shadow market will have on the reputation of these agreements.

According to Zheng Yan, an administrator at the employment office of Beijing Foreign Studies University, employment agreements aim to virtually guarantee the employers` and students` rights, so as to prevent either side from breaking the agreement on a whim.

In addition, the agreements are more important to students than they may realize.

"The contracts are the starting point for students` pension funds and insurance guarantees," Zheng said. "In addition, they ensure that the university will promptly transfer the student`s personal files to the company after graduation."

Many universities are now taking a proactive stance in trying to prevent the transfer of employment agreements.

According to Li Ding, an instructor at Wuxi-based Jiangnan University in Jiangsu Province, the university will not uniformly give out the employment agreements to the students; instead, the students can only get their agreements from them after presenting valid proof that they are employed by the company they state on the contract.

Wang Hongcai, an education professor at Xiamen University, Fujian Province, pointed out that if students continue this trend of exchanging contracts and causally signing agreements with more than one company, labor statistics will be severely distorted and the students will suffer from lost files, deferred pension and insurance payments, and a stain on their credit and reputation, which could affect their future employment prospects.

"I think the students should be responsible enough to think through these decisions, and I suggest that the universities give enough career guidance to the students to make sure they pay attention to the importance of employment agreements," Wang added.