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少林寺开办足球学校 打造现实版“功夫足球”


Retired Cameroonian football player Alphonse Marie Tchami Djomaha gives a training session to students at a martial art training base of Shaolin Temple in Songshan, Henan province, March 22, 2011.
嵩山少林武僧团培训基地请到的足球教练是喀麦隆的一位退休足球运动员,名叫Alphonse Marie Tchami Djomaha。

The temple set up Shaolin Football School for young players, and employed Tchami as coach. The martial art training base has more than 10,000 students training Kungfu, a Chinese martial art. The football school will select from 2,000 kungfu monks under the age of 10 for special training. Shi Yanlu, premier martial art coach, said he hopes the combination of Kungfu and football will help lift China's football industry out of the mire.