But if consumers ate more potassium-rich foods and also reduced their salt intake, the annual global death toll from strokes could be cut by more than a million a year.
Researchers said in their report: 'It would translate into a reduction of as many as 1,155,000 stroke deaths a year on a worldwide scale.'
Strokes, which are usually caused when a clot forms and blocks the blood supply to the brain, kill around 200 people every day in the UK.
Many more are left disabled and in danger of a second or even third attack which could kill them.
Treating and looking after the 100,000 people affected by strokes each year in the UK costs the NHS an estimated £2.3 billion. Only cancer and heart disease kill more people.
A spokesman for the Stroke Association said: 'This research suggests eating lots of potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, dates and spinach, could reduce your risk of having a stroke.
'High blood pressure is the single biggest risk factor for stroke and past research has indicated that potassium could help to lower blood pressure.
'This could go some way to explain the positive effects of potassium demonstrated in this study.'
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