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Spring brings the promise of milder weather, but it also usually means more rain. Rainy weather doesn't mean you have to take your runs inside. If you're prepared, running in the rain can be fun and help get you prepared for running races in the rain (since most races won't be cancelled when it rains). Follow these tips to be prepared for running in the rain:

Dress in layers if it's cold. If it's very cold and rainy, you may need to wear a couple of layers. The most important layer is the one closest to your body. Make sure it's a technical fabric such as polypropylene or CoolMax, which wick water and sweat away from your skin. Your outer layer should be a breathable, wind- and water-resistant jacket or vest. Don't wear a waterproof rain slicker because it will trap moisture and heat.

But don't overdress. This is one the biggest mistakes runners make when preparing for a race in the rain. If you're wearing lots of layers, you won't stay dry -- you'll just be wearing more wet, heavy clothes. Dress for the temperature, just as if it wasn't raining.

 Wear a hat with a brim. It will keep the rain off your face, which makes a huge difference to your comfort level.

Don't forget the Body Glide. To prevent chafing, spread Body Glide or Vaseline on parts of your body where you would normally chafe or get blisters -- such as your feet, inner thighs, underarms, sports bra lines (women), and nipples (men).
不要忘了防摩擦剂。为了防止擦伤,把Body Glide 或凡士林擦在你经常擦伤或起水泡的地方——比如双脚,大腿内侧,腋下,运动内衣的肩带侧(女士),和乳头(男士)。