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科技时代 用Iphone来测量血压


The smartphone is already the Swiss Army knife of the digital age, replacing the need for alarm clocks, GPS units and even digital cameras with the flick of a finger.

Can it do the same for home medical devices?

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, iHealth Labs, a start-up in Mountain View, Calif., has unveiled the iHealth Blood Pressure Dock, an attachment for iOS devices that can measure and record heart rate and blood pressure.
在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费电子展中,加州山景城新创立的公司iHealth Labs上市了个人专用的血压测量器,它是能够测量和记录心率和血压的iOS装置连接器。

Dr. Andrew Brandeis, a practicing doctor in San Francisco and a medical consultant and spokesman for iHealth, said that although the device is primarily aimed at people with hypertension or other chronic health conditions, it can also be helpful for anyone trying to live a healthier life.
旧金山一名执业医生,同时也是iHealth的医学顾问和发言人Andrew Brandeis教授称,尽管该装置起初是针对患有高血压和其他慢性病的人群,但是它对任何想健康生活的人都有帮助。

“I can give someone a pill for their blood pressure, but what I really want to do is educate them about their habits that cause high blood pressure,” he said. “If you can see your blood pressure is going up, you can try to get an idea about what you’re doing that is affecting it. You start to see correlations between your blood pressure and your life.”

The biggest advantage to those who buy iHealth’s blood pressure system instead of a stand-alone machine, which is much cheaper to purchase, is that it will be incorporated into a patient’s daily routine of waking up and checking their cellphone, the company says.
