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People who are furrowing their brows over weighty arithmetic puzzles or sweating over wordy text books might want to take note.

Adults can significantly bulk up their brains in just a couple of hours by carrying out simple learning tasks that are on the same intelligence level as a baby.

Scientists had previously believed that the human brain was incapable of adding grey matter over short periods of time.

But adults quickly boosted their grey matter when they were given simple learning tasks that could be completed by a baby, according to a study.

The ground-breaking discovery could pave the way for a range of new treatments for brain disorders that doctors had previously thought were beyond help.

'Our finding suggests that the adult human brain is far more plastic than previously believed,' researcher Li-Hai Tan, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Hong Kong, told LiveScience.

'We are very excited about the finding, because we think that it offers hope to adult people with brain development disorders.

'With appropriate intervention strategies, adults' brains may still be able to quickly develop structure to acquire skills.

'This will be a welcome relief to many families.'

Researchers have known for many years that the brains of young children are able to grown rapidly.

In recent years, studies have also found that the adult brain is still relatively malleable and capable of increasing its grey matter after learning for several weeks.

But never before have doctors known that the human brain can be 'pumped up' over such short periods of time.
