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奥巴马后脑勺现神秘疤痕 或曾被开颅


  It could be caused by the shape of his hairline, a slightly slapdash barber or simply a trick of the light. But bloggers in America are convinced the ‘scar’ on Barack Obama’s head has a more sinister explanation. Conspiracy theorists claim the line, running up over the president’s crown from behind his right ear, proves he has secretly had brain surgery.


  They suggest it could be anything from a routine procedure to the work of extra-terrestrials, and have posted enhanced images of his head on Right-wing blogs as ‘evidence’. Commentator Ben Hart wrote on Conservative discussion forum EscapeTyranny.com: ‘Was it a brain operation? Has it affected his thinking? Is he really an alien from another planet?’The White House dismissed the theories as ‘ridiculous’. The Escape The Tyranny website strongly questions Obama's head scars as well as why no one has seen his birth certificate
