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It's always nice when a smarty pants scientist "discovers" an explanation to some frustrating or bizarre toddler behavior. Stuff like why they refuse to nap even though they are tired, or, in this particular case, why they just don't listen to anything we say (over and over and over again infinity).
当一个自作聪明的科学家“发现” 如何解释小孩一些令人沮丧或奇异的行为,这总是好的。像即使孩子已经很累了,但是他们还是不去睡觉,或者为什么他们不听我们的话(一次又一次,无止境的)。

Like this morning:
"Aidan, put on your coat. It's cold out."

"Carolyn, please stop playing with your baby and go potty."
“Carolyn, 请不要跟你的宝宝玩了,去厕所吧。”

"Aidan, the coat. Now, please. We're late." (Me forcing him into his coat.)

"Carolyn, did you go potty yet? Put the doll down and ..."
“Carolyn, 你还没去厕所吗?把娃娃放下去然后……”

Now, researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder say my children are not intentionally trying to push me over the edge. What they are really doing when I think they are blatantly ignoring me is taking all my directions, helpful suggestions, and words of wisdom and filing them away in their little monkey brains until later. A lot later. Like age 13. Okay, maybe not that much later, but you get the point.

See, toddler brains don't work the way adult brains do. They can't take data from the present and use it proactively for the future. So, tiny kids neither plan for the future nor live completely in the present. Instead, they call up the past as they need it.

The example that the researcher gave was similar to what happened this morning.
