A better way to reason with a toddler with selective hearing?
"Somehow try to trigger this reactive function," the (obviously childless) researcher suggests. "Don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."
I had to try this new approach, but I'm using a hot stove instead of a coat. Let's see if it works ...
"Aidan, please get your hand away from the hot, gas flame."
"Aidan, I know you don't want to take your hand away from the hot, gas flame, but when your hand catches fire and you get third-degree burns and I have to rush you to the hospital for four months of skin grafts, remember that Mommy told you that you should have kept your hand away from the flame. Ooops. See! Well, maybe you'll remember to trigger your reactive function next time."
Somehow, I think I'll stick to my old method and let my kids continue to ignore me.
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