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借酒消愁无用 酒精会让你更清楚的记得


Drinking to forget your problems?
Scientists have found that drinking will actually help you to remember them.

A new study from the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research at The University of Texas at Austin says that getting drunk primes certain areas of our brain to learn and remember things more clearly.

The common view that drinking makes you forget about things and impairs your learning is not wrong, but it highlights only one side of what alcohol does to the brain.

Neurobiologist Hitoshi Morikawa told Science Daily: 'Usually, when we talk about learning and memory, we're talking about conscious memory.
神经生物学家Hitoshi Morikawa告诉科学日报:“通常我们谈到的学习和记忆,都是指有意识记忆。”

'Alcohol diminishes our ability to hold on to pieces of information like your colleague's name, or the definition of a word, or where you parked your car this morning.

'But our subconscious is learning and remembering too, and alcohol may actually increase our capacity to learn, or "conditionability", at that level.'

Mr Morikawa's study, results of which were published last month in The Journal of Neuroscience, found that repeated exposure to ethanol enhances synaptic plasticity in a key area in the brain. http://www.hxen.net
Mr. Morikawa的研究结果发表在《神经科学杂志》上,称反复接触酒精会提高大脑一个主要区域的突触可塑性。

When people drink alcohol or take drugs, the subconscious is not only learning to consume more but becoming more receptive to forming subconscious memories and habits with respect to food, music, even people and social situations.

Mr Morikawa says that alcoholics aren't addicted to the experience of pleasure or relief they get from drinking alcohol but to the environmental, behavioural and physiological cues that are reinforced when alcohol triggers the release of dopamine in the brain.
Mr Morikawa说酗酒者不沉迷于喝酒后得到的快感或安慰,而是沉迷于饮酒的环境、行为和心理因素触发大脑释放的多巴胺。
