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It's unfortunate, but true: parenting may be hazardous to your health, at least according to new research that shows that mothers consume more calories and get less physical activity than women with no kids.

In the latest knock against parenthood, researchers from the University of Minnesota looked at 838 women and 682 men and concluded that having children — particularly for moms — is linked to an array of negative outcomes. Mothers had a higher body-mass index and didn't eat as healthily as childless women, chugging more sugary drinks and eating more total calories and saturated fat.

Both moms and dads exercised less than their child-free counterparts, but in a completely unfair twist, fathers' BMI didn't differ from that of men without children.

Parents are more apt to not take good care of their health at a time when they really need to be modeling healthy behavior for their miniature doppelgangers. That, of course, is easier said than done. The pressures of parenting are relentless, and sometimes it's easier to stick a frozen pizza in the microwave than fuss with coaxing kids to whole grains and leafy greens.

"All parents can relate to the idea of demands and trade-offs," says Jerica Berge, lead researcher and an assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota. She's also the mother of a 2-year-old and 6-year-old.
“所有的父母都可能涉及需求和取舍的问题。”明尼苏达大学家庭医学和公共卫生部一个主要研究人员和副教授Jerica Berge说。她也是2岁和6岁大孩子的母亲。
