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In the study, published online Monday in the journal Pediatrics, moms got less exercise per week, 4.5 hours of physical activity compared with the 6 hours that non-mothers got. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of exercise per day most days of the week.

Mothers also ate more calories, 2,360 compared with childless women's 1,992. "The difference between those is significant," says Berge. The research didn't focus on what the difference might be attributed to, but Berge didn't disagree when this reporter suggested those 368 calories could easily result from grazing on children's leftovers.

Researchers found that mothers and non-mothers ate similar quantities of nutritious foods — whole grains, fruits, vegetables — but moms also ate more unhealthy foods.

From a public-health perspective, Berge says it's critical to intervene so that the behavior is not perpetuated from generation to generation.

What constitutes physical activity may also need some rethinking. It doesn't just have to be working the elliptical at the gym. Moms, don't sit on the bench at the park; kick a ball around with your kids. Choose stairs over elevators. Walk to school. "Incorporate physical activity into time with your kids because it's probably not going to happen on its own," says Berge.
