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英准王妃凯特自创婚纱 为纪念戴安娜

  Kate Middleton has vowed to reveal nothing about her wedding dress until the moment she enters Westminster Abbey on Friday week. But the Daily Mail can disclose that she has actually designed it herself.

  The 29-year-old, who briefly worked for the High Street chain Jigsaw, has a keen interest in fashion. And as soon as her engagement was announced she took it upon herself to start creating her dream frock before she went to an established dressmaker to put her ideas into practice.

  威廉王子与凯特在英国威斯敏斯特大教堂的婚礼可以用“指日可待”来形容了,关于凯特当日所穿婚纱的报道和猜想层出不穷,也许关于婚纱的最后“揭晓”只能等到周五婚礼当天了,然而“英国每日邮报”并没有让等待的英国王室粉丝们失望,据《每日邮报》爆料,凯特的婚纱是由29岁凯特自己亲手设计的,据悉,凯特曾“效力”于高端时尚品牌《Jigsaw》并一直以来对时尚充满兴趣,有消息称,当凯特决定订婚之日起,凯特就已经打算将自己对于婚纱的灵感运用在自己的婚纱设计中,她已经把自己对于婚纱的设计( 乳白色缎蕾丝镶嵌珍珠)告诉了婚纱裁缝。

  She has also included what is described as a ‘nod’ to the iconic Emanuel wedding dress worn by Lady Diana Spencer, but has avoided including any of its ‘flounce’. Yesterday Sophie Cranston, of the low-key label Libelula, was tipped as the creator of the wedding dress.

  有消息透露,凯特这次的婚纱设计是希望向已故的戴安娜王妃表达自己的敬意---=-伊曼纽尔婚纱设计。但是,凯特却拒绝在婚纱上使用任何关于“花卉”的元素。昨日,时尚大师Sophie Cranston正式被定为凯特婚纱的首席创意大师,

  Although he has been kept in the dark about the gown, William has agreed with Kate that she can auction it for charity after the big day, with the proceeds going to a range of charities including the Prince’s Trust.

  Friends have also revealed that Kate plans to wear diamond-and- pearl earrings on the day, although it is not known if they are new or family heirlooms. She will borrow other pieces of jewellery from the Queen including, it is believed, a dazzling tiara. As for shoes, Kate was recently seen in the VIP shopping area of Selfridges London store along with her mother, Carole, and sister, Pippa, surrounded by a heap of stilettoes by designer brand Gina.

  在威斯敏斯特大教堂婚礼一结束,据消息称,威廉同意凯特将婚纱捐给慈善机构。关于慈善机构的名单,日前威廉王子与凯特已经亲自拟定,都是王子的最爱,包括威廉王子曾效力过的军队,慈善机构,涵盖支援露宿者、生态保育和医疗等范畴。凯特的朋友还透露,凯特打算当天戴上“钻石和珍珠”镶嵌的耳环,目前还不得而知这对耳环是属于“新的”还是“旧的”饰品。据悉,新(new),就是新娘的白色礼服必须是新做的,标志着新娘将开始新的生活。旧(old),就是新娘头上的白纱必须是母亲用过的旧纱,以表示不忘父母,特别是不忘母亲养育子女的恩情。借(borrowed),就是新娘手里拿着的白手帕必须是从女朋友那儿借来的,用以表示不忘朋友的友谊。蓝(blue),则是新娘身上披着的缎带(garter belt)必须是蓝色的,象征新娘对爱情的忠诚。