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水晶做的AK47步枪 史上最华丽凶器


  Prized Swarovski crystals are usually used to create elegant items of jewellery or sculptures. But Italian artist Nicola Bolla, 47, has transformed them into something a bit more sinister - macabre tokens of death that include an AK47 assault rifle and human remains. The works caused a stir after going on display at Milan Design Week last week.

  珍贵的施华洛世奇水晶常被打造为优雅的珠宝首饰或者雕刻品。但是意大利艺术家、47岁的尼古拉 波拉将施华洛世奇水晶制成了一组凶险之物——AK47攻击步枪以及人类遗骸等恐怖、死亡的象征。作品上周在米兰设计周上展出,引起了不小争议。