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iPhone 5 将使用iPad芯片?


Apple's iPhone 5 will feature "slight modifications" from its predecessor and will launch in September, a new report from analysts Concord Securities claims.
康和证券(Concord Securities)分析师们发布的最新报告称,苹果iPhone 5较上一代产品“略有变化”,并将于今年9月份推出。

The firm’s Ming-Chi Kuo said that the new model would include an 8 megapixel rear camera and the A5 processor currently used in the iPad. In a research note he said his checks with supply chain sources suggested that the next handset from Apple will not feature an all-new design.
该公司分析师郭明池表示,iPhone 5将配置800万像素后置摄像头和目前iPad采用的A5处理器。他在研究报告中指出,通过与供应链消息人士接触,获悉苹果新手机不会采用全新设计。

The analyst also found evidence of an improved antenna design and greater use of chips made by Qualcomm. He said he expected trial production to begin in August with mass production coming the following month, allowing Apple to make approximately 30 million of the devices this year. Previous reports have indicated that Apple is set to make its new iPhone available in October, when it begins its new financial year, rather than as usual at June’s World Wide Developers’ Conference. That event is thought to be likely to focus on new software.
郭明池还发现了手机天线设计改进和高通芯片用量增加的证据。他说,预计新手机将从今年8月份开始试产,9月份进入大规模生产。苹果今年有望生产约3000万部iPhone 5。在此之前,也有媒体报道称,苹果新款iPhone5手机将于今年10月份上市,即是新财政年度的开始,而不是像往常一样在6月份的全球开发者大会上市。

Kuo also suggested that the Japanese earthquake and tsunami could delay new iPods until later in the year. He said that the next dramatic iPhone overhaul will come in 2012. 郭明池还提出,日本地震和海啸或使新款iPod上市时间推迟至今年晚些时候。他认为2012年推出的iPhone将会大变脸。

In January, Kuo correctly claimed that Apple's iPad 2 would feature the same display as the first-generation iPad, and that it would also use the same cameras as the iPod Touch, rather than those found in the iPhone 4. Kuo also said in March that Apple was set to begin production of the white iPhone 4 and ship the device in April, which was confirmed by other reports last week.
今年1月份,郭明池曾准确推断出苹果iPad 2显示屏与第一代产品显示屏相同,采用iPod Touch使用的摄像头,而不是iPhone4那种摄像头。今年3月份,郭明池指出苹果开始生产白色iPhone 4,4月份发售,上周,其预言已被其它报道所证实。
