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Does your house make you look beautiful?

Creating an environment that optimizes attractiveness (yours and your guests) is a worthy consideration. When people feel good about how they look, they're more confident and relaxed.

"It's like when you're in a dark restaurant and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror behind the bar," said fashion designer Laura McGrew, of Tomboy Design Studio in Kansas City, Mo. "You think, 'Wow! My makeup looks great tonight.' But in dressing rooms in department stores, you look in the mirror and you want to throw up."
“就如你在一个黑暗的餐馆里,在酒吧后面的镜子看到自己。”密苏里州堪萨斯城Tomboy设计工作室的时装设计师Laura McGrew说,“你会觉得‘哇!我今晚的妆化得很好。’但是在百货商店化妆室的镜子一照,你就要呕吐。”

Putting yourself and your friends in a better light is easier than it sounds. It has nothing to do with what colors look good on you. Clothing styles and colors that work are highly individualized. But flattering interior design choices are near-universal.

Everybody, regardless of complexion, size or shape, looks better when:
. Expression lines and wrinkles are minimized.
. Skin looks hydrated and glowing.
. Bodies are at ease, not tense.
 表情纹和皱纹减到最少。
 皮肤看起来水润容光焕发。
 身体放松,不紧张。

There are simple and inexpensive things you can do to make those things happen in your home. The keys are soft lighting, comfortable temperature and humidity levels, warm colors and soothing atmospherics such as music or flowers.

Diffusing light, or spreading it around, minimizes wrinkles by eliminating the shadows that make them visible.
