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"The first thing you do is turn off the single overhead light," said Rebecca Robertson, the senior home editor of Blueprint magazine. She recommends using lots of small lights at waist height with 40- or 60-watt bulbs to create a flattering, enveloping glow.
“首先要做的事就是关掉唯一的顶灯。”《蓝图》杂志国内高级编辑Rebecca Robertson说。她推荐使用许多腰间高度40-60瓦的小灯,创造出一种讨人喜欢,被包围着的灯光氛围。

In the daytime, natural light needs to be diffused as well, especially when it shines directly into a room. Ms. Robertson likes to use inexpensive muslin. "Muslin allows a lot of light to get in -- tons. It's almost like using a lens filter during a TV interview."
白天,自然光也需要散射,尤其是当它直接射入房间时。Ms Robertson喜欢用便宜的棉布。“棉布可以使大量光线照射进来。这就像一个电视访谈节目使用的滤镜一样效果。”

Ms. Robertson suggests lighting the bath with candles for parties: "You're not in there to pick your zits. You're in there to feel like you look great."
Ms. Robertson建议举办宴会时在浴室里点上蜡烛:“你在里面不是为了挤青春痘,而是为了使自我感觉很好。”
A healthy glow in guests' faces is a good thing; flushed, moist skin due to overheating is not. To keep guests looking and feeling fresh, check the temperature regularly during parties and lower the thermostat as necessary.

For walls, warm paint colors and whites with warm undertones are more flattering than cool-family colors. Again, it's about the cast (healthy or sickly) the reflected glow throws on your skin, not whether a color matches your complexion.

Unattractive tension in facial muscles also can be relieved by soothing instrumental music and simple flower arrangements, says Richard DeLozier, co-owner of Naturally Spa in Kansas City, Mo. People look attractive when they are relaxed and happy, so anything you can do to put a smile on guests' faces is the biggest beauty enhancer of all. "Somebody can walk into a room who cosmetically looks great, but that pales compared to the person who radiates a sense of well-being."
面部肌肉张力没有吸引力也可以通过舒缓的音乐和简单的插花得到缓解。密苏里州堪萨斯城天然温泉的共同拥有人Richard DeLozier说。当人放松和高兴时看起来更迷人,所以你所能做的使客人脸上露出笑容就是所有最有效的美丽增强剂。“有些人通过化妆美丽地走进房间,但跟那些流露出幸福表情的人比起来,就显得逊色了。”
