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Levels had gone down only in crackers, baby biscuits and gingerbread. The report warns that voluntary measures by the food industry have had ‘limited success’ and concludes that further action is needed.
只有咸饼干,婴儿饼干和姜饼的丙烯酰胺含量有下降。报告告诫,食品工业的自愿措施 ‘效果有限’,并总结出需要采取进一步的行动。

It concludes: ‘It would be desirable to reduce acrylamide levels further in food groups contributing the most to exposure, such as fried potatoes including French fries, soft bread, roasted coffee and biscuits.’

Experts from the World Health Organisation (WHO) are also urging the public to minimise their risk by cutting down on processed foods, but they say that at the moment there is not enough evidence to justify advising the public to avoid certain foods.

In 2008 the UK Food Standards Agency found high levels of acrylamide in a range of processed foods including Hula Hoops, Ryvita and Pringles.
2008年,英国食品标准局发现包括Hula Hoops, Ryvita and Pringles这一系列加工食品中有高含量的丙烯酰胺。

The FSA does not currently advise that people should specifically try to avoid foods high in acrylamide.

However, it says that they should seek to cut down on fatty foods such as chips and crisps as part of a balanced diet.
