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After these adjustments, Hawaii would rank second in average life satisfaction, but with the fifth highest suicide rate in the country. New Jersey would rank near the bottom in life satisfaction (47th) but with one of the lowest adjusted suicide risks (also 47th).

Professor Andrew Oswald, of the University of Warwick, co-author on the report Dark Contrasts: The Paradox Of High Rates Of Suicide In Happy Places, said this could come down to how we judge ourselves by other people.
华威大学Andrew Oswald教授,《暗反差:高自杀率的悖论》的合著者说,这可以总结为别人看来我们如何判断自己。

He said: 'Discontented people in a happy place may feel particularly harshly treated by life. Those dark contrasts may in turn increase the risk of suicide.

'If humans are subject to mood swings, the lows of life may thus be most tolerable in an environment in which other humans are unhappy.'

Professor Stephen Wu of Hamilton College added: 'This result is consistent with other research that shows that people judge their well-being in comparison to others around them.
汉密尔顿学院的Stephen Wu教授还说:“这个结果跟其他研究表明的人们跟身边其他人的幸福状况做比较是一致的。”

'These types of comparison effects have also been shown with regards to income, unemployment, crime, and obesity.'
