The royal wedding morning will be long. From the moment the first guests arrive at 8:15 a.m. London-time to when the couple appear on the balcony at 1:30 p.m. will be about five hours.
Perhaps only the most hardened royalists will sit and wallow in every moment. For those who need to do the laundry, walk the dog or -- heaven forbid -- do some work, here is a guide to the truly, absolutely, completely important moments. These are the times NOT to go to the bathroom or make a cup of tea.

Follow this guide and you will always be able to say, "Of course I saw the moment when ..."
1. The Dress: 11 a.m. in London (6 a.m. ET)
We will see the dress through the windows of the Rolls Royce as Kate is driven to the church. But our first PROPER look at the dress will be at 11 a.m. London (6 a.m. Eastern) when she gets out of the car at the Abbey. This is the time to ooh and ahh on the design. Whether it is akin to the puffed up style of Diana's or, as some suggest, sleek and satiny like Princess Margaret's, this is THE moment. Don't miss it!!!
1. 婚纱:伦敦时间早上11点(美国东部时间早上6点)
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