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The mind works in mysterious — and expensive — ways. But you can pump up your willpower or trick it into helping you spend less. Farnoosh Torabi, author of Psych Yourself Rich (FT Press, $22.99), explained a few mental approaches on Huffington Post:
头脑的运作方式非常神奇——和昂贵。但是你可以发挥你的意志力或哄骗它帮你节省开支。Psych Yourself Rich(金融时报出版社,$22.99)的作者Farnoosh Torabi在《赫芬顿邮报》中解释一下精神方法。

Think it through.
Pressured? Rushed? You’ll spend more recklessly. Infomercials are designed to take advantage of this brain quirk.

Take stock regularly, even if you don’t have to.
Is your budget fine the way it is? So-called status quo bias means you’ll keep paying what you’re paying — cable bills, credit cards — unless you have a compelling reason to change.

Saving money is all relative.
Duke behavioral economist Dan Ariely says we’re bad at making comparisons: We may readily pay $3,000 to upgrade to leather seats in a new $25,000 car because it’s a relatively small percentage of the total price, but we’d think a lot longer about paying $3,000 for a new sofa that we’d sit on every night to watch the latest Charlie Sheen interviews.
杜克大学行为经济学家Dan Ariely说我们不善于作比较:我们比较容易花$3000对$2.5万的新车增加皮革座,因为它比起总价格相对比较少钱,但我们应该想得长远一点,花$3000买一套新的沙发,每天晚上都可以坐着看最新的Charlie Sheen采访。

And Ramit Sethi, who runs the website I Will Teach You to Be Rich, gave some tips on increasing willpower (financial and otherwise) to the Bucks blog of the New York Times:
I Will Teach You to Be Rich网站的经营者Ramit Sethi在《纽约时报》雄鹿队博客中给出一些增强意志力的提示。

Automate everything.
Pay bills automatically to avoid late fees.  Channel a portion of your paycheck to your 401(k) and savings accounts.

Do a little bit all the time.
If you’re overwhelmed by choices, it’s easy to do nothing. “Instead of trying to save a little bit on everything,” he says, “focus on your two biggest discretionary expenses,” like eating out and drinking, in his case. “Over the next six months, cut each down by 25 to 33 percent.”
