你知道吗? 妈妈的11个愿望!
2. “To be able to eat chocolate every single day without it affecting my waistline.” 能够每天都吃巧克力,而腰围又不会增加。
3. “For my children to always say “yes momma” when I ask them to do something.” 当我让孩子们去做什么事的时候,总能听到“好的,妈妈”这样的回答。

4. “To take a nice long hot shower without having to leave the door open.” Moms of very young children can probably relate to this one very well. You want to get a shower but you want your children to be safe and you want to know what they are up to. So the bathroom door stays open and you put the shower head on the lightest possible setting just so you can hear everything your children do." 能够舒舒服服的洗个热水澡,而不必大门敞开。许多年轻妈妈都有过这样的经历,你很想洗个澡,但是你又担心孩子自己在外面干什么,是不是安全。所以卫生间的门总是开着的,而淋浴头也会尽可能的开小,这样你就能听到孩子们在干嘛了。
5. “That my children would always clean up after themselves and the house would always be clean.” 希望我的孩子总能自己搞搞卫生,让自己让家里保持的干干净净。
6. “That the laundry would fold itself.” 洗好的衣服能够自己叠起来。
7. “To be able to ditch the pony tail and sweatpants and look like a supermodel every day.” 能抛弃马尾和运动服,看起来每天都像超级名模。
8. “To have a date night once a week with my hubby.” 每周都能跟老公约会一次。
9. “To be a stay at home mom.” 能当一个呆在家,不用工作的妈妈。
10. “To graduate from college.” 能够去上大学。
11. “To have more patience for my children.” 对我的孩子们能更有耐心。
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