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拉登藏身住所受追捧 或成旅游景点


  The compound where Bin Laden was killed has become a ghoulishtourist attraction.

  本 拉登被击毙时藏身的院落如今成为了一处“恐怖”旅游目的地。

  Sightseers have been flocking to the spot on the fringes of upmarketAbbottabad, Pakistan, where the Al Qaeda leader met his end.


  While the gates to the terror chief’s compound remain shut, visitors have been given free access to the surrounding area after Pakistani military investigators finished scouring the house.


  Local resident Ali Abbas, 43, who has begun a campaign to turn Bin Laden’s final home into an official tourist site, welcomed the interest, and claimed many more visitors could follow from Europe and the US

  43岁的当地居民阿里 阿巴斯非常欢迎大家来游览,他表示会有更多的欧洲游客和美国游客前来。阿巴斯已经发起了一项将拉登最后的藏身院落变为正式旅游景点的活动。