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I was 28 when I drank my first real cup of coffee. With two young children at the time, it changed the way I viewed my mornings. Now in my thirties, my coffee maker is the appliance in my kitchen most likely to get used on a daily basis. Recent news that coffee may be correlated with a variety of positive health benefits only fuels my desire for a daily cuppa.

When I do grab a coffee on the go, I'm often shocked to see as many teenagers in line for their daily caffeine fix as adults. While I pick up a juice box or bottled water for my young daughters, I see children getting their own blended coffee drinks. Why are today's kids drinking coffee? Is what's good for the goose really good for the gander?

It's what mom and dad are doing.

Like loads of habits, many children are introduced to coffee at home. Can I have a sip of your coffee? Worried more about the temperature than the caffeine, you may be inclined to let your 'tween or teenager have sip once your coffee has cooled off.

Think twice, though. Caffeine effects may be exacerbated in young children, severely impacting the amount of sleep they get on a daily basis. And while their minds and bodies are still growing and developing, sleep is crucial for kids.