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  The stock market debut of Chinese social network Renren will have turned heads at Facebook. The sky-high valuation when shares were priced on Wednesday (at more than 70 times 2010 revenues) conveyed a simple message: investors are hungry for growth. And there is no other growth story with the allure of the Chinese internet.


  For Facebook, which has itself never known anything but outsized growth, this is a sobering thought. Its high penetration among internet users in many established markets is starting to make it reliant on populous, less-developed markets for continued expansion – and they don’t come any bigger than China.


  The US company’s service is blocked by China’s Great Firewall. It had already been exploring ways to get a local foothold, and this week’s events have only heightened the urgency. But a move into China also carries great risk. If handled badly it could turn out to be a defining moment for the company – for all the wrong reasons.


  At least there is one reliable guidepost to follow: learn from Google’s mistakes.

  This is partly a question of style. As described by author Steven Levy, in his recent book In the Plex, Google arrived in China in the middle of the last decade with its hubris freshly polished. The search company also chose not to ally itself with a local partner with the heft and the connections to provide cover from hostile bureaucrats and politicians. Through its own missteps, the clever manoeuvring of local rival Baidu and the antagonism of the Chinese authorities, it eventually came to be seen by many Chinese as an arrogant and out-of-touch foreigner.

   这部分是风格的问题。如史蒂芬?列维(Steven Levy)在最近的新书《走进谷歌》(In the Plex)中所述,五六年前,谷歌带着光可鉴人的傲气来到了中国。这家搜索公司还选择了不与有权有势、能在不友好的官员和政治家面前为其打掩护的当地合作伙伴结盟。由于谷歌自身的失误,本土竞争者百度(Baidu)高明的运作,以及中国有关部门的对抗,在许多中国人的眼中,谷歌最终变成了一个傲慢而又孤陋寡闻的外国佬。

  Mark Zuckerberg shows every sign of having learnt from this, as evidenced by the Mandarin lessons the Facebook chief executive has been taking. And reports (so far unconfirmed) have linked his company with both China Mobile and Baidu as allies to smooth Facebook’s entry.

  所有迹象都显示,Facebook首席执行官马克?扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)从中吸取了教训——他一直在上普通话课程就是明证。迄今未获证实的报道则把中国移动(China Mobile)和百度都列为Facebook在中国平稳落地的盟友。

  Of course, this does not address the most vexing questions: Is it right to bow to Chinese censorship in the first place? And, since it hosts a great deal of personal information, would a successful Chinese Facebook become a handy data warehouse for an oppressive regime?


  Facebook must be prepared to take the hits that will inevitably come in the court of public opinion. But the reality, for Chinese internet users, is that none of their online information can be deemed to be out of reach of the authorities.

  Also, Facebook has at least never confused its goal of connecting people with a moral mission of the “Don’t be evil” kind: it is an agnostic communications platform. It is true that the core values of “sharing” that it espouses rely on a level of openness that does not exist on the Chinese internet. Any compromise will look like a betrayal of this ideal.
