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  Also, its effective use by activists to help organise the revolt in Egypt has left an inconvenient halo around the company.

  Moving into China too soon after this would invite a public relations disaster.

  Mr Zuckerberg will have to weigh the damage all of this will do to the brand against the long-term risk of being shut out of China. Google ended up with the worst of both worlds. Facebook shows every sign of being ready to take the plunge – putting it alongside many other media and internet companies that believe they can’t afford to stay out.


  That leaves two big questions. One is whether a Chinese Facebook should be walled off from the rest of the global social network. Information leakage is a concern: if you have a friend in China, do you really want Beijing to have access to all your personal information – not to mention your connections with other people in China? Options Facebook has studied include various filters to prevent international content from flowing on to its servers in China, and warnings to alert international users about the risks of connecting with people behind the Great Firewall. But none of this would be as clean and bulletproof as just walling China off completely, at least at the start.


  The second big question has to do with governance. Should Facebook hand control to a local partner, as Yahoo has done by taking a back seat to Jack Ma of Alibaba? Or should it actively manage the business itself? But with its brand name on the line and long-term aspirations to be a real force in China, Facebook has little option but to put itself in the driving seat. It will not have escaped its notice that Mr Ma has been agitating to buy back Yahoo’s stake in Alibaba.

  第二个大问题与公司治理有关。Facebook是应该像雅虎(Yahoo)退居阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的马云(Jack Ma)之后那样,将控制权交给中国合作伙伴,还是应该积极参与经营管理?但要顾及品牌名声,实现成为在中国的一支真正力量的长远抱负,Facebook几乎别无选择,只能亲自坐上驾驶席。它也不会没有注意到,马云一直在鼓动阿里巴巴回购雅虎持有的股份。

  That means Facebook must engage more directly in China than Yahoo, though with the support of a stronger local ally than Google could count on. Finding a workable – and durable – relationship will be a stretch. But as the Renren debut shows, the time is fast approaching when Facebook will have to jump.
