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京沪高铁明天起试运行 具体票价还在研究

2011-05-10来源:people's daily

A month-long trial of the Shanghai-Beijing high-speed railway will start tomorrow, a railways ministry spokesman said yesterday. The line is expected to be fully operational by the end of June.


Ticket prices are still under discussion, Wang Yongping said during an online session with the public.


Price issues are crucial as the rail link is competing with airlines on the route.


Railway Minister Sheng Guangzu said last month that China was slowing the operational speed of its bullet trains from 350 kilometers per hour to 300kph following safety concerns and complaints that tickets were too expensive.


Also yesterday, Wang said that the Ministry of Railways' debt level was manageable after a huge first-quarter loss raised concerns about its financial health and the development of China's high-speed rail services.
