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过度熬夜害处大 睡眠不足易导致发胖

  A late night not only creates dark circles under the eyes and a grumpy temper - it can cause weight gain too, according to a new study.


  Scientists have discovered a lack of sleep can drastically slow the metabolism down which causes the body to use less energy for simple tasks like breathing and eating, after depriving male students of sleep.


  The results, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, add to evidence that sleep loss can promote weight gain - not just by boosting hunger but also by slowing the rate at which calories are burned.


  The study suggests that getting plenty of sleep might prevent weight gain, said Christian Benedict of Uppsala University in Sweden, who led the study.

  来自瑞典乌鲁萨拉大学的学者Christian Benedict主导了这次的研究,他表示充足的睡眠将有助于避免发胖。

  'Our findings show that one night of sleep deprivation acutely reduces energy expenditure in healthy men, which suggests sleep contributes to the acute regulation of daytime energy expenditure in humans,' he wrote.
