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过度熬夜害处大 睡眠不足易导致发胖

  To identify how a lack of sleep might have these effects, Benedict and his colleagues put 14 male university students through a series of sleep 'conditions'


  They subjected them to curtailed sleep, no sleep, and normal sleep over several days, then measured changes in how much they ate, their blood sugar, hormone levels and indicators of their metabolic rate.


  They found that just a single night of missed sleep slowed metabolism the next morning, reducing energy expenditure for tasks like breathing and digestion by 5 per cent to 20 per cent, compared with the morning after a good night's sleep.


  The young men also had higher morning levels of blood sugar, appetite-regulating hormones such as ghrelin, and stress hormones such as cortisol after sleep disruption.


  Still, the sleep loss did not boost the amount of food the men consumed during the day.


  A number of studies have observed that people who sleep five hours or less are more prone to weight gain and weigh-related diseases such as type-2 diabetes.


  But those studies do not prove that sleep loss causes weight gain.


  Experts said that factors such as lifestyle and diet might add to obesity risks and that it was not clear that sleep deprivation led to obesity.


  Sanford Auerbach, head of the Sleep Disorders Center at Boston Medical Center, noted that sleep deprivation is a complex issue, with medication and other issues influencing sleep as well, and urged that the new findings be kept in context.

  波士顿医疗机构睡眠障碍中心的负责人Sanford Auerbach指出,睡眠不足是一个复杂的问题,药物和其他因素都会对睡眠产生影响,因此这一最新发现并不能推而广之。

  'They showed that we adapt to sleep deprivation and that some of these adaptations could theoretically contribute to obesity,' he said, adding that it's not clear how chronic sleep loss influences hormone levels.


  The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get about seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
