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Give yourself a jolt in the morning with these easy ways to get more energy. 

1. Sweat a little.
1. 出一点汗。

Studies show that people who exercise in the morning sleep better, says Jessica Matthews, a director for the American Council on Exercise. Get active outdoors between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m.; it's the prime window to wake your body with sunlight, kicking off a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

2. Speed up your walk.
2. 加快步伐。

Hard-wiring a healthy habit now will pay off big-time later. A University of Pittsburgh Medical Center researcher found that people over 65 who walk at a pace of at least 2.5 miles per hour live longer than those who don't. To burn extra fat and calories, try interval training: Walk fast for one block and slow down for the next.

3. Fuel your body.
3. 给身体提供能量。

"Breakfast eaters tend to be thinner than breakfast skippers, who are more likely to overindulge later," says registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner. Aim for a 400-calorie meal such as oatmeal with berries and walnuts.
“吃早餐的人比不吃早餐的人更瘦,不吃早餐的人后来会吃得太多。”注册营养师道恩.杰克逊. 布拉特纳说。保持吃一份含400卡路里的早餐,如含有浆果和核桃的燕麦粥。