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  One in three university students in the German capital would consider sex work as a means to finance their education, a study from the Berlin Studies Center said Wednesday.


  The figure in Berlin, where prostitution is legal, was higher than students surveyed in Paris (29.2 percent) and in Kiev (18.5 percent). The study found some four percent of the 3,200 Berlin students surveyed said they had already done some form of sex work, which includes prostitution, erotic dancing and Internet shows.


  The number of men who said they would consider sex work was about equal to the number of woman, the study found.


  The results surprised the study's authors, who said they undertook the study because student prostitution had been often reported but little was known about its relationship to education policy.


  "The main motivation of students to turn to prostitution were the financial incentives, namely the high hourly wages," said Eva Blumenschein, one of the study's authors and a 26-year-old student at Berlin's Humboldt University.

  26岁的柏林洪堡大学学生、该调查撰稿人之一的伊娃 布鲁门夏恩说:“学生们卖淫的主要动力就是经济收入,因为有高额的时薪。”

  Blumenschein said recent educational reforms aimed at speeding up students' time at university may play a role in them seeking out sex work. "It's possible that because educational reforms have increased student workloads, they have less time to earn money," she said. "Coupled with higher student fees, in this instance, leads students into prostitution."


  Thirty percent of students working in the sex industry were in debt, the study found. That compared with 18 percent of students who said they would consider sex work who were in debt.
