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  Fifty-three percent of Americans support making gay marriage legal, a Gallup poll showed on Friday, a marked reversal from just a year ago when an equal majority opposed same-sex matrimony.


  The latest Gallup findings are in line with two earlier national polls this spring that show support for legally recognized gay marriage has, in recent months, gained a newfound majority among Americans.


  Gallup said Democrats and political independents accounted for the entire shift in its survey compared to last year, when only 44 percent of all respondents favored gay marriage, while 53 percent were opposed. The percentage of Republicans favoring same-sex matrimony held steady at 28 percent.


  Same-sex marriage remains a highly contested issue in U.S. politics, but homosexual couples have won the right to legally wed in five states -- Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and Iowa -- and the District of Columbia. Gay couples have faced setbacks elsewhere, and no statewide initiative to legalize gay marriage has ever won a majority vote.


  The growing support for gay marriage comes after President Barack Obama signed into law legislation in December to repealthe ban on openly gay men and women serving in the military under a 17-year-old law known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

  同性婚姻的支持率是在贝拉克 奥巴马总统去年12月签署法案废除 “不问不说”禁令后开始上升的。这项17年前订立的禁令禁止在军中服役的同性恋男性和女性公开自己的性取向,否则将被军方开除。