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幸福是财富 专家称美满婚姻价值69万

  A stable marriage has the same emotional value to a husband or wife as a salary of ?65,000 a year, it was claimed yesterday.


  Couples in long-term marriages are ‘significantly more content’ than those who are unmarried, journalist and author David Brooks told BBC Radio Four’s Today programme.

  记者兼作家David Brooks在接受英国BBC电台节目采访时如是说,比起那些形单影只的孤家寡人来说,那些沉静稳定婚姻中的夫妇能够获得“更加深刻的满足”。

  ‘Marriage is tremendously important,’ he said. ‘We have a tendency to think of ourselves as rational individuals who are driven by economic motives, but in fact we are social individuals, driven by the need for relationships.’
