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幸福是财富 专家称美满婚姻价值69万

  Mr Brooks, author of a new book, The Social Animal, said that relationships are more important than money and students should take study courses about who they might marry.

  David Brooks表示,感情关系的重要性超过了经济情况,“学生们应该好好研究一下他们到底将要与怎么样的对象成婚。”

  The journalist with the New York Times added: 'Joining a club that meets once a month produces the same happiness gain as doubling your income.'


  He said that people's emotions are strongly influence by their surroundings but that it is possible to control them.


  'We have the power to educate our emotions,' Mr Brooks said. 'The art and music we listen to affects our emotions. By changing our environment we change our mind.'


  He added: 'One of the most important things you can do is learn how to read and attune to other people. We all work better in groups than we do as individuals.


  'Even for middle-aged guys, attuning to emotional signals of people around you is probably the most important thing. We are networked, we are social animals.'
