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如此休假:只要做完工作 休假随你定


  It is the part of most jobs that requires the most diplomacy - convincing your manager you should be allowed to take enough time off to go on that dream holiday.

  But one very generous CEO - for better or worse - has decided he would rather do away with the awkward chat altogether.


  Dominic Orr has stunned staff at Aruba Networks, a wireless networking company based in California, telling his employees: If you get your work done, you can take as much time off as you like.

  无线网络公司Aruba Networks的老总Dominic Orr今日语出惊人:只要做完工作,休多长时间的假,随便。

  Orr launched the 'no vacation' policy for all North American employees two years ago. Rather than allocate a set number of weeks off employees can take, like in most jobs, Orr allows them to take responsibility to organize paid vacation whenever they like - provided they feel they are meeting their job objectives and their manager agrees.


  Orr said the policy, in fact, makes his team work harder because they have a clear incentive to perform well and more frequent breaks keep them fresh at work.


  Critics, however, say the policy is a means of making employees work harder for their holiday.
