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5. Cliche answers
The problem with multiple candidates for a job is that they all read from the same playbook and don't own creativity or confidence in their answers. When studying interview questions online, really think about your answer, and how you are going to personalize it and make it different than the other 59 people being interviewed for that same position. Stay away from stock and cliche answers if you want to leave a lasting impression on your interviewer.
5. 迂腐的回答
大多数求职者存在的问题是他们都按照同一个剧本读出答案,没有自己的创造性或信心。 参考网上面试问题时,要真正考虑自己的答案,还有, 如何在其他59名申请同一职位的面试者中展现个性化,突出自己的不同。如果你想给面试官留下深刻的印象,就要避免那些陈腐,陈词滥调的回答。

Of course, there are those times in life that walk in, nail the meeting and they still don't hire you. Unfortunately, it happens. The trick is not to let that get you down. Pick yourself up and look at the last interview as practice, a dress rehearsal before your opening hit show. Finding a job takes time, finding the right job takes preparation, skill, finesse and a little bit of luck.