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丈夫沉迷游戏致婚姻破裂 英国妻子最恨魔兽世界

Ryan G Van Cleave, an expert on video game addiction, said many partners were unaware that gaming can become an addiction.

He said: ‘The problem spouses encounter with video game addiction is that the non-gamer doesn’t appreciate that it’s an addiction. This means it’s not a choice to spend so much time in a virtual environment versus time with the spouse and family. It’s a compulsion.

‘The reality is that with the proper professional support, a video game addict, like any other type of addict, can overcome the addiction.’

The study looked at 200 unreasonable behaviour petitions filed by women.

Divorce Online managing director Mark Keenan said his team carried out the research after noticing World of Warcraft was repeatedly cited by unhappy wives.
离婚在线公司的总经理马克 基南说,他的团队因为注意到愤怒的妻子们总是抱怨魔兽世界,而发起了这次调查。

He said: ‘I was surprised by the result at first, but I would expect the number to be even higher next year.

‘The increase could be a consequence of people staying indoors more because of the recession, or it might be being used by men in particular as a means of escape from an already unhappy relationship.’