Like any woman in transition, Maria Shriver is bound to hear plenty of advice in the days ahead, solicited and otherwise. As she said on YouTube recently, "It's so stressful to not know what you're doing next." The events of her life have thrown everything into question, making each next step feel like a possible pitfall. Here are seven dos and don'ts for Maria to follow as she navigates away from Arnold and into the future.

1. You've done Oprah, now stay away from talk shows. 别去参加谈话节目
We know Oprah's your best friend, your sister, your soul mate. You helped her celebrate her last show and she helped you stand tall. That's fine. But you want to come across as Jackie Kennedy, not Elizabeth Edwards, so no sitting down with Barbara, Katie, or Diane.
2. Move from the hotel into a pretty house. 别住宾馆,去买栋漂亮的房子,最好让施瓦辛格买单
People have seen you looking for a place for the past couple of months and yet you're still ordering room service. So have you been looking for the right place? You need something Nancy Meyers-ish. Think Meryl Streep after the break up with Alec Baldwin. You don't want to stay in Brentwood, and we agree that an ocean view in Pacific Palisades or Santa Monica would be more soothing than Hollywood or Beverly Hills. The Pacific Palisades house, for example, has room for the kids with six bedrooms. And if you make Arnold pay the $14 million asking price, the world will cheer.
3. Go back to work. 重新开始工作
You need a confidence-building, high-profile project. Think about going back to NBC, perhaps to The Today Show on a manageable contract. Three months, two days a week—that kind of thing. Be the interviewer, not the interviewee. You're probably not in the mood to travel overseas much, but choose something that takes you around the country. You'll love the support.
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