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Are sports drinks better than water? The beverage industry would like you to think so. According to Beverage Digest, PepsiCo (the maker of Gatorade), the Coca-Cola Company (the maker of Powerade), and others made about 7 billion dollars in 2010 promoting the idea that to prevent dehydration and optimize performance, you need to guzzle their products.

However, unless you are a high-intensity athlete, water is still the best option, without the cost or calories.

Although sports drinks are marketed to the general population, they do not offer added health benefits to sedentary adults or even moderate exercisers but do provide unnecessary amounts of sugar, sodium, and artificial flavorings and preservatives.

A 20-ounce bottle of Powerade is about 150 calories and contains 38 grams of sugar. Responding to America's obesity epidemic, the Center for Disease Control recommends against using drinks with added sugar for purposes of hydration.

With children, use sports drinks with caution

A clinical report published on May 30, 2011, by the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against children drinking sports drinks unless they are participating in prolonged athletic competitions and suggests that even then, the consumption of sports drinks should be carefully managed.

According to the report, the popularity of sports drinks is chipping away at healthier patterns of beverage consumption (such as drinking water or low fat milk) and contributing to childhood overweight and obesity. The citric acid contained in these beverages also causes dental erosion.

Another issue the researchers point out is that most children and teens do not recognize the difference between sports drinks and energy drinks and use them interchangeably. Energy drinks are unregulated by the FDA and contain high amounts of caffeine as well as amino acids and herbs with uncertain health risks and should never be consumed by kids.

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