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Diabetes and Alcohol: If you are a heavy drinker, you are at a higher risk for developing "secondary" diabetes or causing your diabetes to become worse. Alcohol, even light drinking, may impact your condition depending on other risk factors.

Alcohol and Nutritional Factors: Often those who drink alcohol do not eat properly. This can lead to becoming nutritionally deficient, which can impact health problems such as osteoporosis, and bone health in general.

Thyroid and Endocrine System Problems: Alcohol affects the whole endocrine system, which is tied up with a women's hormonal system as well. The thyroid gland, one of these glands, affects the whole body and every cell function. Alcohol slows down the endocrine system, resulting in a lower production of needed hormones. This can affect sexual function, increased problems with allergies, enlarged breasts, and be responsible for reduced fertility problems.