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  Men are significantly more likely to be killed when lightning strikes because they are more reckless than women, it was claimed today.


  Of the 648 killed by the thunderbolts over 13 years across the U.S., 82 per cent were male, figures show.


  And recreational activities or sports were involved in almost half of these deaths, according to research.


  Among the six killed by strikes so far this year - all men - one was playing golf in Shreveport, Louisiana, and another was playing baseball in Ruby, South Carolina.


  ‘Men take more risks when it comes to lightning,’ John Jensenius, a lightning safety specialist of the National Weather Service, told Popular Science magazine, which conducted the research along with AccuWeather.com.

  “发生雷电情况时,男性的人身安全更为危险,”美国气象局的雷电安全专家John Jensenius这样告诉一家大众科学杂志。

  ‘And men tend to have more outside jobs,’ adding that a behavioural issue may be at play: ‘Men don't wish to be inconvenienced by a nearby thunderstorm.’


  But he cautioned: ‘It really doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, you need to be inside when there's a thunderstorm in the area.


  ‘Lightning safety is an inconvenience but at the same time, it's one you can live with.’


  July was the deadliest month in terms of lightning across the U.S – with on average 18 deaths.


  This is thought to be due to an increase in outdoor summertime activities coupled with storms peaking during this period.


  The Fourth of July Independence Day weekend is traditionally one of the most deadly.
