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夏季求职 仍需全力以赴



   1. Interviewers are less pressed for time. "It's a slow season in many industries. Accounting firms, for example, are busiest in the winter and early spring, so summer is a great time for them to build and train their staff," Coffey says.

    2. The jobs are there. Since her specialty is IT recruiting, Coffey is keenly aware of the number of jobs currently going unfilled due to a scarcity of skilled candidates, particularly in the East and the Midwest. A recent Dice.com poll of 900 managers who hire techies says that 65% hope to add staff in the second half of 2011 --that is, starting in July.

    But even non-IT candidates enjoy one distinct advantage during the summer: "You face less competition if other job seekers are buying into the summer-slowdown myth."

    3. Contract-to-hire positions are more abundant during summer. "Many organizations bring in contract employees to fill in for people on vacation, or for people who have timed longer leaves of absence like sabbaticals to coincide with summer," Coffey says. "These temporary positions could turn into permanent jobs."