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苦命的男人 退休后身体会变差?

  Most married men look forward to retirement, with all the gardening and games of golf it’ll bring But a study shows that many actually feel in worse health once they stop working. But fortunately things do improve: husbands begin to feel healthier when their wives retire too and begin looking after them more carefully, researchers from the University of Missouri discovered.


  However, despite their perception of being in worse health after retiring, it is actually all in their heads. The risk of heart attacks in men actually declined once they began drawing a pension, the study showed. There was, however, no change in women. The research was presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, which has a mission to ‘advance the study of ageing and disseminate information among scientists, decision makers, and the general public’.

  尽管如此,已婚男人退休后的身体状况还是引来了必要的关注,有意思的是,调查还发现,当男人们开始能领取养老金的那一刻开始,他们患上心脏病的几率就开始降低。与此相反,这个情况在女士们身上并没有明显的变化。(难道男人越老越抠么?哈哈,他们到底有多爱钱啊。)这项研究由“ the Gerontological Society of America”牵头,意在调查年龄变化对人的生理以及心理造成的影响。

  Lead researcher Assistant Professor Angela Curl, said: ‘When wives retire, they may monitor their husbands’ health more closely, taking them to the doctor regularly and ensuring they lead a healthy lifestyle.‘Women traditionally put the needs of everyone else before themselves, a behaviour that could put their own health at risk. ‘There are a lot of health benefits to staying employed. Working just a few hours each week can facilitate better health.’

  首席研究员教授Angela Curl说:“女人的力量是功不可没的,当妻子们退休的时候,她们会把自己的全身心投入在照顾自己丈夫的事业中,比如定期带他们去看医生、唠唠叨叨直到他们改正他们的坏毛病和不健康的生活方式。当人们退休了,会重新审视自己的职场生涯,回顾自己的工作历程后不仅发现,自己忙忙碌碌处于玩命赚钱时的身体还特别健康。我认为,每周几个小时的身体锻炼足以让身体处于最佳的状态中。”

  Professor Curl added that when it comes to retirement, the key thing is to plan carefully for it. She added: ‘Any time a major life change happens, it is an opportunity for renegotiation of roles within a couple. 'If a couple wants positive changes to occur in retirement, it is important for spouses to be intentional in negotiating and planning for activities that match their ideals, finances and current health status.’
