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英"活寡妇"增多 丈夫用网络躲避娇妻

  Technology may be keeping us in touch with the world, but it’s also isolating us from our partners — whether it’s a wife who spends hours on Facebook or a husband who can’t be separated from his BlackBerry or video games (a recent study found that of those wives citing unreasonable behaviour for ending their marriage, 15 per cent felt their partner put computer games before them).


  Victoria was seven months pregnant with her third child when she took her two young children and left her husband. For three weeks, she stayed with her parents wondering what to do about a marriage that had disintegrated to the extent that she and her husband Craig no longer talked. ‘Some evenings, we’d barely say more than a few words to each other,’ says Victoria, 38, a full-time mother. ‘When Craig came home at night, he’d have something to eat, then he’d open up his laptop to respond to work emails. I fooled myself that because we were in the same room we were still being together. But as the months passed I felt hurt and rejected that he’d spend hours emailing colleagues, but hardly say a word to me.


  Facebook is cited in one in five divorces, according to lawyers, while a survey by website Divorce Online found that the phrase ‘mobile phone’ occurred in one in eight divorces citing unreasonable behaviour. ‘I call it being “together alone”,’ says relationship therapist Douglas Weiss.

  根据一些律师透露的消息,社交网络脸谱网竟然是造成离婚的原因之一,而”智能手机“一词竟然作为导致离婚的”其他原因“被八分之一的离婚夫妇写在原因清单上。两性关系治疗师Douglas Weiss说:”我把这种关系称为----在一起和分开,没差别。“

  ‘These days, people are on their mobiles at dinner; they spend hours on the computer or watching TV; and they are more connected to their Facebook friends than to the person they promised to love and cherish until death do them part. ‘Technology is interrupting our relationships and allowing us to avoid each other. It has become a way of avoiding real relationships and intimacy. ‘Thirty years ago, men would stay late at the office or hide behind their newspaper. Now they can hide behind a phone or laptop.’


  Research shows we spend almost half our waking hours online, on the phone or watching TV, with 80 minutes a day spent on text messaging, social networking and emailing. Psychotherapist and relationship expert Paula Hall, from counselling charity Relate, says technology doesn’t have to result in an affair for it to do damage.

  调查显示,我们用一半的”清醒时间“用于在线网络、聊电话或者看电视;每天80分钟用来发短信、用社交网还有电邮。心理学家专家Paula Hall说:”高科技网络生活不一定会让人出轨,但是绝对会损坏亲人之间的关系。"