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神奇飞行汽车亮相美国 已获准上路

  It's been cleared to take to the skies for more than a year - but that's not much use when you're supposed to be able to drive it, too.


  But now the flying car has at least been declared officially road legal.


  It means the Terrafugia Transition could be in U.S. garages as early as next autumn, after two years of delays.

  这也就意味着,这款名为Terrafugia Transition的又能奔驰又能飞行的家伙最早可在明年秋季正式上市销售,这距离原计划的面市时间晚了两年。

  It may not be the world's first flying car, but its makers say it is the first to have wings that fold up automatically at the push of a button.

  Terrafugia Transition尽管并不是世界上第一辆能够飞行的车辆,但它却是第一款只需轻轻触动按钮便能自动将机翼折叠起来的产品。

  It costs $200,000 - about the same price as a Ferrari - and can be reserved online for what Terrafugia describes as a 'modest' $10,000 deposit.
